I hope you’ve enjoyed a pleasant and safe holiday season.
This time of the year can be difficult for some of us, and I found that “staying in the middle” of the fellowship helps. In early recovery I added to my meetings schedule and chose to go to events organised by my friends in the fellowship.
Meetings have been the backbone of my recovery, and luckily, I really like them, actually I love them. I almost always feel changed after a meeting or calmer or more hopeful, they have been my go-to in good times and in bad.
I am fortunate to be living in beautiful Antigua where there are meetings every day.
Zoom meetings also make attendance much easier than ever before; when the weather is bad, or I have a tight schedule a meeting is always available at the touch of a key.
Keeping a note of meetings I could join for every day of the week, allows me to take advantage of their availability when I have some free time. I have reconnected with old friends and made new ones this way. One can connect with meetings abroad from home.
When I walk into a room and see the familiar posters of the Steps and Traditions wherever I am in the world I feel at home. On zoom when the readings are read, I know that it is time to listen.
My first sponsor used to say “listen, identify and share” when I told him that I was too shy to share . Those three simple suggestions helped me a lot. I learned that my reservations about a higher power were impeding my recovery. What is the only thing that has helped me stay clean and sober for a long time now? It’s the program, the fellowship in it’s entirety , the meetings , the people, the steps and all of you . Ok then, that’s an easy choice for a powerful source of strength and wisdom.
One of the reasons 90 meetings in 90 days are suggested is so that we become comfortable with a practice that hopefully will follow us for the rest of our lives. I think of a meeting I will attend later as the “oasis” of my day.
It is in meetings that you may meet your sponsor or have the opportunity to help someone and identify with people to remind us that we are not alone.
Millions of people in many countries attend and are helped by meetings in a diverse way regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion . There are no allegiances with any sect, denomination, politics , organisations or institutions . In short meetings are a safe place for us to recover.
And now for some housekeeping:
In March of 2024 we hosted our 25-year anniversary celebration which was great fun! Thanks to our founder and chairman Eric Clapton for his beautiful playing and everything he has done for Crossroads, thanks to members of the board , staff and special thanks to you 200 plus alumni for traveling to Antigua and making the celebration so memorable .
On December 14 we had our staff Christmas party which was incredible fun
We are looking forward to 2025 eagerly and have set ourselves tasks to achieve for staff training and increased census.
Last October we signed a contract with Geo Blu/ Blue Cross Blue Shield and were able to admit several clients on their insurance cover. This enables us to help more people which is in line with our mission.
We hope to sign additional contracts with insurance companies in the US and Europe in the coming year.
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge our amazing staff that worked hard to align themselves with the needs that come with this new development. Clinical, Medical, Housekeeping, Maintenance and Admin have all made a tremendous effort to embrace change as well as maintaining our high standards so we continue to help people in the best way we can .
Finally, the Board of Trustees have been incredibly supportive and helpful by sharing their wisdom, sometimes asking the difficult questions and keeping Crossroad’s vision true and alive.
Happy New Year everybody we at Crossroads wish you a happy and healthy 2025
Russel Jacob says:
Thank you Nicos for your beautiful message.
Speaking of housekeeping, I need to do some housekeeping of my own. I am still struggling with my steps 4,5,6 and 7. I am sometimes still resentful, angry, depressed, discouraged, and more…….
Even though I haven’t touched a drink since my stay at Crossroads in March 2018, I haven’t been able to put the work on my steps. I am now stuck in my sobriety and I need to grow and work on my steps to continue my sobriety.
Steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 are to be done with a sponsor but I would prefer working with professionals on this and I am asking if Crossroads would have any workshops or suggestion to help me. I have been to a couple of Crossroads retreats already and I would love to do more. Especially in the winter time during my not so busy schedule.